The blog immersion

April already and 2011 has revealed itself to be a significant learning year. After completing the Blogging Challenge, I found myself voraciously feeding on the posts of other educators – sourcing links from yammer and twitter and other collaborative threads and then visiting and reading and leaving comments. The feedback from one of the participants in the Blogging Challenge who wrote about leaving 5 comments on other people’s blogs for every 1 post on your own has been a revelation to me! It has opened conversations with educators and students all over the world and it is wonderful to give feedback and encouragement to bloggers – especially student bloggers.

What this has meant for my own professional blog is neglect. However, it has been a time of learning and processing – lots of brain exercise which fits nicely into my reading and researching into the area of neuroplasticity and neural pathway building. Hopefully this area of interest will expand now with some newly made connections in the field of Special Education.

The other types of blogs that provide a huge source of learning are those of classroom teachers and technology integration specialists. Since my introduction to Yammer and the access-all-areas pass that it provides to teachers in NSW DET (or now DEC) of all shapes and sizes, and being able to ask questions and get answers that provide hints and additional expertise – well, the learning curve has steepened again!

Hopefully all this will translate into some quality reflection and synthesis, and can be articulated into some more writing soon… the benefits are all too obvious – the need for clarity on a range of issues is creating too much of a burden. Trouble is that I find myself once again revisiting the decision to blog – to make public my learning journey – to allow strangers into my thinking space… although this blog has been neglected, I have continued to write privately and struggle with the implications of publishing… more issues to deliberate on…

2011 – the year of the blog!

It’s only January… so much new learning to process already! Between #rscon2011 and #cck2011 and the Edublogs Teacher Challenge 2011 (must find out what hashtag they are using!), I feel invigorated by all this learning! I had no idea that blogging could expand learning in so many directions! Then there’s the decision to join the Educators’ PLN ning – that has opened up so many connections already. It must be time to sit down and map out what this PLN is starting to look like so that I can use what I am learning about aggregators to create a more efficient means of gathering all this together! Any suggestions would be gratefully received!

Meanwhile, writing my series of Chaos Theory life lessons (pages for this blog – see navigation) has been challenging but satisfying. I am so lucky to have an experienced blogger (@2sparkley) willing to act as proofreader as I write and develop my ideas. How many times will I marvel at the generosity of other teachers this year?  Only 4 days before the 2011 school year begins with a mixture of excitement and regret – only because I have no idea how I am going to fit in full-time teaching with all the personal learning I am engaged with so completely!

Why people blog…

Visiting blogs in all shapes and sizes looking around for answers to “Why do people blog?” and a link from a fellow member of a listserv just blew me away!
The floods in Queensland are on the mind of every Australian and here’s a practical use of the blogosphere to make a real contribution to what lies ahead for many Queenslanders… Whoever came up with the idea of creating a blog to chronicle practical advice for people experiencing a national disaster – I’d like to meet that person!

Edublog Teacher Challenge 2011

The generosity of some educators never ceases to amaze me! Edublogs staff are worth more money! They have set up the Teacher Challenge 2011 for teachers who want to be challenged to start blogging (us beginners!) or improve their blogging (gifted and talented policy as applied to teacher bloggers!). So I am using this Challenge as my vehicle for really kick-starting my blog adventure – and have also decided to blog about the Teacher Challenge as a separate activity at
TIME will of course be the determinate for all this frantic activity!

If I am really serious…

So I was lurking around the web again… following the lead of other more visible educators… and there it was – finally – the challenge that I could no longer ignore…

Scott McLeod, of Huffington Post fame, saying it in such a straight forward manner… if I am really serious about teaching in this new digital world then it was time I got on with it and planted my digital footprint, and tried to do it in the most professional and creative and appropriate manner.

How can I teach about it if I am not doing it properly myself? Besides, there are so many fabulous teachers out there who have forged the way in the digital wilderness and have led by great example – so all I have to do is join the fun! The other consolation, of course, is that it may all be for an audience of ONE – and that’s fine too because it’s all in the name of LEARNING!

So here it is… my first post on my first professional blog. The journey begins!